Kylie had her last cheerleading performance of the season yesterday. This wasn't competition, but Xtreme Cheer's Grand Finale for the families and friends of the cheerleaders with a banquet following. Tom was there taking team, individual and action shots. I'll post it when the images go live from it. He said he and his photographer Eric shot over 1000 that they have to go through and edit.
It was a busy day for all. Tom had three sports leagues yesterday morning all going on at the same time, one of which was Kylie's soccer league. She played in the cold drizzle and we were all freezing. It's hard to believe two weeks ago we were out there, hot and melting in the sun.
At the same time as soccer, Melanie was at drama. Soccer got moved from afternoons to mornings this year, so now we are trying to coordinate being in two places at once every Saturday. Luckily our neighbor is in the drama class with her and can at least get them there. The play they are putting on this time is The Three Little Pigs - but a silly version. The wolf (played by Melanie!) isn't too scary. Poor thing has bad allergies and has a hard time huffing and puffing to blow down their stuff. Her performance for this play is June 14. She has a ton of lines to memorize, but seems to already know most of them.
After the cheerleading performance tonight, Xtreme Cheer hosted a potluck banquet. It was fun to eat and talk with some of the other cheer parents and let the girls socialize with their friends. Melanie has several friends who cheer and even though she doesn't do it herself, she has made some new cheerleading friends from just being there twice each week for Kylie's practices. Tom wasn't able to stay for the banquet, because he still wasn't done working for the day. He had to go to the Opening Day parade for the town's Little League to photograph some parade shots and hand out envelopes to the coaches. It was at night this year because yesterday was also first communion day which around here takes at least half of the second grade kids out of all activities. Everything seems to happen on one day!
Below is Kylie's performance video. It's the last time she will perform with this team. Next year several of the girls are moving into the next age level. Of the seven girls, three will still be on Mini Silver with Kylie. Kylie will miss the older girls as she had really bonded with them. I have to say, cheerleading has been such a great activity for her to boost her confidence and make new friends. The practices start up again in the Fall and the competitions will be next Winter. I am closer for this video than the others, but I think Kylie's concentration was a little poorer this time. She was tired and hungry (it was 5:30 before they performed), so I'm not sure she was at her tip top performance level. Lately she has been really overtired everynight and has low energy... hopefully just a growth spurt or something. After church we will have a quiet day today to catch up on our rest.
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