Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Goodbye (for now!) to Good Friends

Friends of ours are moving to Ohio this week for the Coast Guard. Gracie has been in the same classes as Melanie ever since Kindergarten and has been in our Browine troop for the past 2 years. They've had many a playdate and really get along well. Her mother, Marti and I have become good friends as well, serving as Brownie leaders together. They will be very missed! BUT the good news is that they will be back in two years.

Another friend hosted a very fun going away party for their family over the weekend. I forgot my camera (AGAIN!), but here are some pics of Gracie at the end of school family picnic dancing with the girls.

The girls like to send emails to each other already, so I hope they can stay in touch. Everyone will miss them! Have a safe trip guys and keep us posted what's up in your lives (you'll know what's up in ours!).

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